In this part I’ll continue automating testing, with protractor integration. This is straightforward but requires a little plumbing configuration!

NPM packages used

Add the following packages to the package.json file :

  • grunt-protractor-runner
  • grunt-contrib-connect

The key packages here are grunt-contrib-connect, and grunt-protractor-runner. The grunt-protractor-runner package version 3.0.0 relies on nodejs version 4.0 at least.

Hopefully the update is easy : go to the node website, download the latest version, and make Visual Studio use it, in Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > External Web Tools, and add the path to nodejs on top.

Visual studio config

Connect grunt task

Create a new task in gruntfile.js for starting the connect web server, which will serve your application to protractor runner.

connect: {
	server: {
		options: {
			port: 9001,
			base: 'wwwroot'

Protractor grunt task

The protractor task needs to update the webdrivers and start them in standalone mode (this is easier to setup)

protractor: {
	run: {
		options: {
			configFile: "test/protractor.conf.js",
			webdriverManagerUpdate: true

The e2e task, which will start the connect web server, and run protractor tests.

grunt.registerTask('test:e2e', [

And finally the protractor configuration file, with 2 important points :

exports.config = {
	// not required in standalone mode
	// seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
    specs: ['e2e/scenarios.js'],
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9001',
    rootElement: '[ng-app]'

Running this task will produce the following in task runner explorer console :

Protractor runner

The source repository for this article is on Github.